Most fire trucks have custom made attributes because each fire station requires different types of equipment, compartments and more. Some fire truck equipment would include custom and commercial pumpers, aerials, rescue trucks, wild land trucks, mini pumpers, and homeland security apparatus. When you inspect any fire truck, you'll find metal work and custom fabrication everywhere on it. These trucks are essential to fire fighters for obvious reasons. But what isn't obvious to the average day citizen is the intricate custom metalwork performed to make these trucks very effective and efficient.
Most of my blogs praise fabricating and metalworking and structural steel erectors. That isn't just because we sell machinery, equipment, tools and such related to those industries. It is because I have grown up in this industry and witness first hand ingenuity, grit, effort, design work, inventions and wonderful end results from the fabricating manufacturing process. There is no end to what our customers can do with the right design and equipment.
Incredible machinists, fabricators, manufacturers, industrial equipment innovators make it possible to make necessary equipment for fire fighting. Machines help those wonderful people do it!
Before the industrial revolution, it was a blacksmith mostly doing such metal work, but abilities were limited to tools and their availability. Being a full-service sales supplier of metalworking & fabricating machinery in AZ this year 2025, wow the possibilities are endless with tools and their availability. This gives us hope that more and more the right equipment capable to help in a time of need will be manufactured. From medical equipment to military to first responders to general public, there are ways to protect our lives and assets with the right tools and equipment. This is why I appreciate innovators of new and effective technology to help make machinery that makes a difference, an improvement in its way.
Sending prayers to all of California as they manage what has happened and is happening given it will be a great deal of work to recover and rebuild. Am confident that many builders will have the necessary machinery, tools, equipment and skills to help complete the tasks at hand effectively. To everyone, everywhere, please be safe.